Dating Perspective From A Good Man

Memoirs on Love by Jason Traylor
6 min readNov 24, 2022

A strategy for single good men looking for love.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio:

I’m going to take a break from bashing my fellow men today in this article. I’m going to focus on the good men out there. I hear you and I see you. I know it’s rough out there for you and your good nature. I am one of you.

Why do good men fail more often than shitty men? Is the cliche that most women want the bad boy true? Is being honest and open and vulnerable while wearing your heart on your sleeve kryptonite to a woman’s desire to date you and establish any type of relationship?

Do we have to play games? Are women only interested in a challenge? Do they think they need to provide a challenge to us?

My god, the dating world is exhausting.

I’ve been reading the art of seduction the past couple of weeks with a friend on TikTok. This book is fascinating and very eye-opening I will say. I believe applying some of these types of seducers to most men is giving modern men way too much credit. Are there fuckboys out there interested in just sex? Yea, absolutely. If you’re a smart woman you can see these pretty boys from miles away. They grow into older FB’s too, so best beware.

Younger women need to go through a couple of shitty men before giving a good man a shot.

