Ice cream. The Key to a Woman’s Heart ( and 4 other keys )

Memoirs on Love by Jason Traylor
4 min readMay 23, 2021

Ice Cream is a metaphor for the simplicity to make a woman happy.

How can you not want to click and read this article with a title like this? I honestly thought of the concept of this article on the way to see my beautiful niece who is four yrs old.

Hazel loves chocolate ice cream. It makes her happy, and she’s starting to realize Uncle Jason is gonna come through with ice cream more often than naught.

I always go back to the simplicities of love when I think about an article. The purity of it. I’ll use ice cream as more of a metaphor in this piece for love or some faction of a gesture of love.

“ Gestures, in love, are incomparably more attractive, effective, and valuable than words.”

-Francois Rabelais

I don’t think women are as complex as thought by men. All they need is a man to bring them ice cream from time to time. Am I right? Or maybe flowers on a random Tuesday in August. It’s sometimes the thought behind the action rather than the action itself.

Let’s get to the point and talk about 4 keys to a woman’s heart. 4 Flavors of Ice Cream for the soul.

Listen to Her

French Vanilla

